What Power Emotional Intelligence Can Bring To an Individual When It Comes To Managing Overall Performance
Emotional intelligence is basically the ability to utilize, understand, and manage others and own emotions in positive ways for relieving stress, better communication, overcoming challenges, defusing conflict and to emphasize with others. Not just this, EI helps us in building strong relationships achieve personal and career goals, and to succeed at school. EI plays a crucial part in turning your intentions to actions; it connects you with your feelings and helps you to make decisions that matter to you the most. It's a fact that not only smart people are successful in life, you probably know some people who are academically brilliant, but yet, they can't balance their personal relationships or career. Your IQ isn't enough to help you achieve everything in life, you can easily get into your desired college with your IQ, but you can never manage your emotions and stress with it. But, with your emotional intelligence, it is a lot easier to manage it all. It the EI t...