Enabling Sales and Growth with the Power of EQ

Having a control over the emotions during the sales lifec ycles and using the power of same emotions is what makes one sales person different from the other. In a very simple definition, higher EQ in sales equates or even supersedes a level of maturity, experience & confidence while at the same time naturally up scaling the actual knowledge of that product that is to be sold. Sales people with a higher level of EQ usually have a very different approach, methodology and awareness as compared to the one with lower levels of EQ. 

sales enablement
So what generic features of EQ are we talking about here:-

1.      Self-awareness and not of that product. It can be visualized as a cause and effect principle but it is true. Your confidence and self controls the key here and the cause. Converting that awareness into that product is the effect. What this also means is having a full control of how you communicate and how you empower your weaknesses.

2.      Relationship First is the core of that sales process. Normally it is a very common practice to focus on selling first and then building a relationship but it is the reverse that works. Don’t focus on selling at first place. Focus on how you can brew a relationship at the first place and then bring in the sales power. We term it as Comfort Selling and acts like a silk route.

3.      Logical Selling which we miss most of the time. Yes, hard boiled and indispensable. An effective sales person is the one who brings logic behind the intent of sale. Answering a few simple questions like, what is the impact of my selling, what value proposition am I brining in, what is customer thinking, how does my product close the gap between vision and reality and what impact it makes overall will help in changing the sales methodology here.
Design Thinking

The points above are just high-level indicators or you could say KPI’s which are sufficient to understand and assess the EQ of that sales person. On the other hand, the level of training, the ecosystem of knowledge sharing, how an organization is establishing that unique EQ based equilibrium between its sales force holds the key to build and develop EQ over time. We have tons of examples where even matured organizations are still focusing on traditional sales methodologies but unfortunately are unable to assess or measure the impact that hampers overall sales enablement and growth.

We at ILUMENOW believe that with our decades of sales enablement methodologies, core parametric defined sales processes, KPI based results and success factors and with our unique training and sales enablement programs across various tiers of sales leadership could bring in a significant change and difference in up scaling and blending that growth culture within organizations.

Come and join us on this amazing journey of transformation and bringing a change for everyone.


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